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Our Intellectual Property Rights team (IPR Team) provides a wide range of services including:

  • Search and Prosecution of trademarks, patents (including drafting of specifications), designs, copyright and geographical indications.


  • Oppositions to applications for registration of trademarks, designs and grant of patents (including pre-grant and post-grant oppositions).


  • Applications for cancellation of registration of trademarks, designs and copyright, applications for renewal of patents and trademarks, applications for revocation of patents; recording assignments/license of intellectual property.


  • Handling cases of infringement and passing off of IP rights; appeals from the orders of the Registrar of Trademarks/Controller of Patents and Designs, etc.


  • Contesting Writ Petitions/Appeals challenging the orders passed by the Central Government or the Registrar of Trademarks, Registrar of Copyrights or Controller of Patents and Designs in various High Courts/District Courts.


  • Prosecuting or defending domain name disputes before the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre.


  • Registration of and opposition to applications for registration of Geographical Indications, and advising in relation to filing action for infringement of Geographical Indications.


  • Preparing documents pertaining to assignment and licensing of IP, as also drafting a wide variety of agreements relating to IP rights.


  • Undertaking due diligence with respect to corporate transactions involving alienation of IP rights and attending to valuation of IP rights.


  • Assisting clients in protecting their IP rights in foreign jurisdictions.


  • Protecting the IP rights of foreign clients in India.

Dispute Resolution


Our dispute resolution team (Disputes Team) has extensive experience of handling litigations of complex nature. The team has in-depth understanding and experience in arbitration/alternate dispute resolution mechanism, which is now the preferred alternative to litigation, especially in commercial disputes. Our Disputes Team members are also active participants at the Indian Arbitration Forum (IAF), an association of leading arbitration practitioners, formed to streamline and promote conduct of arbitration in India.

  • Handling disputes related to Commercial Contracts, Collaboration Disputes, Contractual Disputes, Construction Agreements, Service Agreements, Joint Venture Agreements, Supply Contracts, Marketing and Distribution Agreements, Sale Agreements, Employment Contracts, etc.


  • Advising and representing clients in civil and commercial litigation matters before the Supreme Court of India and various High Courts, District Courts and Small Causes Courts in India.


  • Representing clients in domestic and international commercial arbitrations (both ad-hoc and institutional), including appellate proceedings before various High Courts and the Supreme Court of India.


  • Advising clients in criminal proceedings initiated before local Magistrates, Session Courts and High Courts of India.


  • Advising clients in commercial litigations in various jurisdictions outside India.


  • Advising and representing clients in winding up, corporate insolvency and liquidation proceedings before the National Company Law Tribunals in India.


  • Representing clients in real estate disputes, including before the RERA Authority and RERA Appellate Authority.


  • Representing clients in consumer matters, including before State and National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions.


  • Advising and representing clients before various quasi-judicial authorities such as Micro and Small Entrepreneurs Facilitation Council, Statutory authorities under the Geology and Mining Department, etc.


  • Advising and assisting clients in conducting due diligence with respect to litigations/arbitrations conducted in India and jurisdictions outside India.

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